Charles E. Corry
1959, 1999
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Chapter — Poetry
Next — I Wonder Sometimes
Back — For My Lady, Gifts
Walking — Spring
After rain last night,
Walking, then sudden-seen halo
All round the full moon.
Walking — Late Fall
Then evening came and
Found me unprepared for
Snowflakes in my hair.
Woods Hole
Hillside with crocuses
Guarded by one vigilant squirrel
On this April day.
Wind Bells
Wind bells very, very busy
Playing in this morning's breeze
Near the cottage door.
At Last Night's Campsite
Merry little brook.
What is so funny, keeping
You chuckling all time?
At the Art Gallery in Spring
In the gallery seen,
Through window, yellow flowers.
Turning, ugly pictures.
While Reading
Fragile butterfly
Lights on my book, silent friend.
Flies, takes part of me.
Walking through cherry trees,
This May day, we stop to shake
Petals from our hair.
Walking on a Winter Night
Wind penetrates my shell,
Chills my bones, only one warm spot,
Pocket holds ruby wine.
Summer Holiday
In the warm silence
Of the night I hear, startled,
Flower petals fall.
Pine Tree
Blue sky provides soft
Background for gnarled old pine tree
Outside my sickroom.
While dreaming, sudden
Summer rain has begun. See,
In my eye, first drop.
Insect on its back,
I turn him over, he walks on
My finger, then flies.
Summer Festival
All unexpected
Sunrise came and found me still,
Drinking, last night's wine.
Long Journey
The wind blows very cold,
Disturbs the tranquil sunrise.
I arise to go.
Laughing dream, sea beach,
Early evening, day just gone.
Moon's shadow shows one.
One Morning Near Summer
Running nimbly to
Escape, laughing, rushing waves.
A child at its play.
At the University
Wind brings forest smell,
While sitting drowsily in class.
Others gape when I leave.
Cherry Blossoms
On long, dull bus trip,
April morn, astonished, I see
Cherry blossoms on trees.
Leaving the City
Moon on dirty city snow,
Leaves discontent with civil fools.
I seek wilderness.
January Thaw
In midst snow and ice,
Comes a January thaw,
Ah, spring's bright flowers.
In your warm brown eyes
I see fierce depths of myself.
Stranger, streams other side.
Autumn Wine
Having drunk till dawn,
Sweet wine dreams fill my light head.
Is my snoring loud?
Winter's Evening
Left my hut last eve
To gaze at full moon on snow.
Haiku all I saw.
Sunset After Rain
Rainbow arches overhead,
Mountains turn blue while I dream,
Hearing bird's evensong.
Mountain Trail at Dusk
New moon on old snow,
Walking on high mountain trail,
Makes be blink, then yawn.
Thoughts of You
When hard at work, thoughts
Of you make me pause, I smile,
Go on, refreshed.
Snow falling round me
Quietly closes my eyes in peace,
And so sleep is born.
Home Page
Chapter — Poetry
Next — I Wonder Sometimes
Back — For My Lady, Gifts
Last modified 4/29/19